
Thursday, 1 April 2010

Tidying is not my strongpoint........

I'm a grass widow tonight so after a bit of a bloghop and a chat on Facebook I thought I should start and have a proper tidy up. You know the sort, do out the drawers and cupboards, sort out old magazines and all those bits of card and paper you put in a box saying "that'll come in useful for something" but never actually look in the box when you need a smaller bit. So tonight is it.......
This lovely wire cake stand was a pressie and was supposed to help me keep my tools tidy and to hand, well that worked didn't it. Looks pretty though even when it's untidy so that can wait......

I found a few bit's that can go into a charity box at work or be swapped with one of the crop ladies, but then I thought I should take photographic evidence of how bad it is and blog about it.......... that's as far as I got - Nowhere really, I'm just too easily distracted, I even had a go with some pencils I found in a drawer that I wasn't even sorting at the time. Just had a look in it to see if it actually needed sorted, and yes, it does.....

Now is it really worth tidying the stamp drawer? I'm only going to rifle through it when I'm looking for something to do a corner or verse, a little swirly thing on the side of a box - so no we'll leave that one for now.....

.....and then we come to the fibre drawer. Definitely not to be touched. Well you can see at a glance the colours and you'll only want to cut of a few inches, so you can just pull out the one you want and snip away.....

Phew, I'm exhausted from all this tidying - think it's time for a cuppa, take care see ya soonly..

bye bye

Julie-Ann xx

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