
Sunday, 27 January 2008

Weight loss starts here, today................

Well that's the idea. I'm due to be a granny again tomorrow or when they decide to enter this world and in the words of my doctor " do you want to see them graduate" well the answer is of course a resounding "yes"

So you see, it has to start today.

I'm not brave enough to post a full length picture yet but I will, I think if I can keep a record of what I'm doing it might just keep me on the straight and narrow, well I can hope cant I.............

So today, what have I had. " slices of fruit loaf toasted with butter and jam - good start 2 cups of tea - I don't take sugar so OK there and always use skimmed milk as cant stand full or semi. oh yes and a can of ginger beer. I think it was this can that made me realise today is it as I don't drink cans. Don't like the sweeteners or the taste of aluminium but somehow I had to have it - nuts...........

I'm going to try the SW style of eating as it worked for me some years ago and I always felt as if I was satisfied with what I'd eaten and maintained quite a good weight loss. I'm also lucky as my DH is really supportive in whatever I do so here goes.
Wish me luck, somehow I know I'm going to need it..................................

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