
Monday, 28 January 2008

Just another manic Monday.....

I actualy think that's an understatement. Been rushing around like the preverbial blue ar##d fly. Bless her though, Sam just kept the kettle boiling - NO - not for Bev, for a brew.........

Diet went not to bad today, only lapsed once. Well bill left a little bar of CDM on his desk and I had to walk by it to get to the phone and a square sort of found it's way into my mouth, totally bypassed the hand - just straight into the mouth. Could'nt do anything about it.

Rosie is sitting behind me in her basket snoring and Ben is asleep
on my feet (toasty warm). Actually he was quite poorly this morning,
he does insist on washing Rosie's face and I think he swallowed a dog
hair to much and they all found their way over the kitchen floor this
morning - YUK - but the problem was that he was still coughing and
gaging for about an hour after. Anyhow he is perfectly well now and
quite happy to wash Rosie's face yet again. Look at him, like butter
would'nt melt. Fantastic little dog and Alex's best mate.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Not a bad day today.............

Well that is other than I feel pants. Wrong week, which always makes me hungry, but I've been good and my only naughty thing was my fruit loaf this morning. .....................

Right as my blog is called Julie and other Animals I supose you ought to see them so I'll add piccies of them as we go. So first will be Rosie, she who thinks she's a Jack Russell, having been brought up with one since we had her at 7weeks old in 2000.
Thanks for looking.........................

Weight loss starts here, today................

Well that's the idea. I'm due to be a granny again tomorrow or when they decide to enter this world and in the words of my doctor " do you want to see them graduate" well the answer is of course a resounding "yes"

So you see, it has to start today.

I'm not brave enough to post a full length picture yet but I will, I think if I can keep a record of what I'm doing it might just keep me on the straight and narrow, well I can hope cant I.............

So today, what have I had. " slices of fruit loaf toasted with butter and jam - good start 2 cups of tea - I don't take sugar so OK there and always use skimmed milk as cant stand full or semi. oh yes and a can of ginger beer. I think it was this can that made me realise today is it as I don't drink cans. Don't like the sweeteners or the taste of aluminium but somehow I had to have it - nuts...........

I'm going to try the SW style of eating as it worked for me some years ago and I always felt as if I was satisfied with what I'd eaten and maintained quite a good weight loss. I'm also lucky as my DH is really supportive in whatever I do so here goes.
Wish me luck, somehow I know I'm going to need it..................................