
Sunday, 1 January 2017



Yup, 365 days to prove myself wrong...

So here we are, full of promises to ourselves and thinking yes, a new beginning. Well hopefully it wont be a one hit wonder but seeing is believing. If you have seen me on 'The 'book' you'll be aware of my vow to reinstate my blogs and all my other promises to myself as lately (over the past 2 years) I have been a right miserable old sod and let people, personal events and differences get in the way of just about everything I did and enjoyed but I am saying enough is enough they can all bugger off and I'm going back to being the old me, the funny one who always liked a laugh which is something I have missed doing and when I happened to find myself doing it a couple of months ago got upset and angry with myself as how the hell could I forget all of those things and carry on where as in truth I should have carried on until my sides ached and the only way forward was with Tena's - but no that would never do.
Well all change now, I have come to terms with so much over this last break I'm coming back, yep I'm on it so look out this old girl is not gonna hold back any more...

One of the things I want to try and do is take more pictures. If I can take just one a day until next year then that's 365 new photo's to either blog, scrapbook or just share with family. I would have added friends but they are very VERY short on the ground so with a bit of luck that could be something else that changes over the next year. I'm not talking acquaintances but friends, those your meant to be able to rely on. Phone when your feeling pishe or hold your hair back if your throwing up and laughing with over a brew while watching some film or another... 

I'm of for that brew now and to see what pictures from today I can either upload here or print off for a scrapbook page. I would say sorry for the long post but I'm not, sorry for the mediocre whinge but I'm not - it's another thing I'm going to try and that's always apologizing for being me. This is me like it or not (probably why I don't have friends but hey ho) their loss. It was nice speaking to you and hopefully you'll come back, see ya later... Julie-Ann xxx